When it comes to getting a kitten into your house, it’s best to be prepared. This will assist in making a less stressful transition for your new pet. Here’s a list of the supplies you’ll need to get ready ahead of time. We believe that if you’re prepared, you’ll have more time to spend with your loved ones.
You’ll need to carry your kitten in a carrier if you’re going on a road trip. This will protect her and give her a sense of protection. Since traveling with a kitten can be frightening, make sure the carrier is spacious and well-ventilated. To comfort her with a familiar smell, line the bottom with a towel from her previous home or shelter. Also, make certain that your carrier is safe and easy to clean.

Cat Bed
While most kittens prefer their sleeping quarters, don’t be surprised if she decides to neglect her new bed. You do not want to spend a lot of money on a luxurious wicker basket or fluffy bed until you know what your kitten likes. Make a simple cardboard “bed” start. Get a large cardboard box with high sides to keep draughts out. Make a doorway in the wall. To keep the box warm, line it with an old cushion and cover it with a soft, washable cloth. Using an old sweatshirt as a lining if necessary. Your perfume will reassure her and inspire her to take advantage of her new surroundings. Cats are picky about their bedding, so keep it clean at all times. Place the bed in a dark, draft-free corner of your home, away from the main traffic. This is where your kitten will hang out.
Bowls for Food and Water
Choose bowls that won’t tip over quickly because your kitten has a lot of energy. Since certain kittens are allergic to plastic, choose a simple to clean material, such as stainless steel. To keep things healthy, you’ll want to wash her food and water bowls every day. A kitten needs plenty of clean fresh water as well.
Grooming Equipment
Grooming is important for keeping your kitten safe and attractive. A flea comb and a brush are needed, but the type of brush you use will be determined by the texture and length of your kitten’s coat. Request a recommendation from your veterinarian or groomer for one that is perfect for you.
Litter Tray
To prevent litter from spreading around the home, make sure the box is large enough. You’ll also need cat litter and a scoop or filter to clean up the messes. Your kitten can stop using a dirty, smelly litter box if it is not clean. Once a week, she washes her pan with soap and water. Powerful disinfectants (containing ammonia) should be avoided; they aren’t required and can irritate your kitten’s sensitive nose. Once a month, disinfect the litter box with a mild disinfectant such as bleach and water, preferably outside to dry in the fresh air. After handling, always wash your hands thoroughly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While cleaning out the litter box, humans can contract the toxoplasma organism from cat feces. When changing your kitten’s litter, always wear gloves and wash your hands afterward. Pregnant women should be extra careful and ask a family member to clean the litter box for them. This is because toxoplasmosis can result in serious congenital disabilities. A non-pregnant family member should sweep and change the litter box.
Scratching Posts/Cat Towers
Cats do not use scratching posts/cat towers to sharpen their claws or to feel high, contrary to common opinion. They use it for exercise (stretching out to their full length), clean dead scales from their nails, and visually and “olfactorily” mark their territory. To help your kitten learn to scratch, get a scratching post right away. The scratching post should be robust and tall enough for your kitten to stretch out fully. As soon as your kitten gets home, teach her to scratch on the scratching post. Play with her sometimes, near or around her post, to encourage her to use it. She’ll get it right away. Then, when she feels the need to stretch, she can do so on the post rather than on your furniture. If your kitten’s bed and scratching post are close together, she will learn to use it when she wants to scratch.
Collars, harnesses, and leashes
Although not needed, a cat harness or leash can be a useful training tool for your kitten. If you’re thinking along these lines, a harness is probably the better option, as kittens hate the feel of a leash. However, make sure your kitten is wearing a lightweight collar with an identification tag at all times. Wear one on her right away to get her used to the feeling.

Since kittens are naturally curious and require both healthy and enjoyable toys to play with, choose toys designed specifically for cats—toys that won’t splinter, tear apart, or be swallowed. A rattling celluloid ball, a catnip mouse, or a heavy rubber mouse are ideal. Some cat toys can only be used while playing with your kitten to prevent injuries.
Toys do not have to be purchased from a supermarket. Make up your own story.
The following are some excellent playthings:
- Table tennis ball
- Cardboard toilet paper tube
- Empty shoebox
- Empty wooden thread spool
- Balled-up waxed paper
- Unshelled walnut
Some of the things you could be tempted to offer your kitten might be dangerous.
Keep the following things out of reach of your kitten:
- Corks
- Balls of string
- Wire twist ties
- Rubber bands
- Spools of thread
- Balls of aluminum foil or cellophane
Also, stay away from anything with sharp, hard points that might break off. Be cautious of breakable toys (or things that a kitten might mistake for a toy), such as Christmas tree ornaments. Give her nothing small enough for her to swallow, such as buttons, beads, or paper clips. Keep your kitten away from soft rubber, fur, wool, sponge, or polyurethane children’s toys. Even a tiny particle swallowed by your kitten will cause digestive problems. Any toys with squeakers that can be swallowed should be avoided.
We hope that this list has assisted you in making your home a happier place for your pet.
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