There is no doubt that fish makes a beautiful pet. Fish are entertaining to watch when they move swiftly and make their way around rocks and plants inside the water tank. If you or your kids love to have an interactive pet, they are the best solution. They have an interactive attitude. Whenever you drop in a tasty treat or food in the water tank, they come to the surface to greet you.

If you plan to have fish as a pet, you should be aware of how to take care of fish. At first, it is challenging for the new fish owners to learn how to take care of fish. With expert guidance in this article, you would be able to make a wonderful home for your pet fish.
Selection of Fish
The selection of fish is crucial as carnivore fish must be kept separate. Otherwise, it can be dangerous for other fish. The popular types of pet fish include Achilles tang, Betta fish, Angelfish and Fantail Goldfish. Bettas and Goldfish are widely popular because they can tolerate water temperature and variation in chemistry and don’t always need heaters.

Provide Ample Space
The tank or pound or aquarium of fish must have proper capacity for the fish. Large size of the tank is generally preferred because fish need plenty of space to swim, grow and explore. In large water tanks, it is easier to maintain pH and temperature of the water.
Best Place of Aquarium
The place of fish tank/aquarium should be away from direct sunlight as it can damage fish. The aquarium should be away from the window and heating burner. Light is important for the growth of plants inside the tank and the shining look of fish as well. But Goldfish and other cold-water fish did not require heat.
Fish never stop eating as they lack stomach. Different fish have different requirements. While feeding, offer as much as feed; it will eat only for 2 to 3 minutes twice a day. Goldfish should be fed as much as it can eat in 1 minute. An automatic feeder can also be installed in the aquarium. Maintenance of water oxygen level is also essential for fish survival.

Cleaning of Aquarium
Cleaning of water should be proper and regularly. You can install specific type of filters in the aquarium to remove debris, waste material, and other pollutants. An air pump of good quality is required to keep the water oxygenated. The addition of a small amount of gravel plays a pivotal role in the growth of beneficial bacterial and the breakdown of waste materials.
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